“Presence,” the latest film by Steven Soderbergh, offers a unique perspective on the haunted-house genre by telling the story from the ghost’s point of view. Set in a new suburban home, the film follows the lives of Chris, Rebekah, and teenagers Chloe and Tyler, portrayed by a talented cast including Chris Sullivan, Lucy Liu, Callina Liang, and Eddie Maday. While the film features eerie visuals and a ghostly presence fixating on Chloe, it delves deeper into the dynamics of a family fractured by grief and tension.
As the characters navigate their emotions and relationships, particularly focusing on Chloe’s emotional journey portrayed brilliantly by Liang, the film explores themes of loss, corrosion, and the collapse of a family under pressure. With a short production time and minimal rehearsals, “Presence” relies on the strength of its cast to bring the haunting story to life on screen.
In a conversation with Vogue, Liu and Liang discuss their experiences preparing for this unconventional film and their personal connections to the paranormal. Liu shares her perspective on souls and the existence of spirits, while Liang reflects on her own encounters with paranormal activities and how they influenced her portrayal of Chloe.
As “Presence” unfolds in theaters, audiences are invited to immerse themselves in a domestic drama with a supernatural twist, where the boundaries between the living and the dead blur, and the true horror lies within the human heart.The relationship between Rebekah and Chloe is explored in a complex manner, shedding light on the dynamics between a mother and daughter. Chloe yearns for her mother’s love, but Rebekah’s focus is primarily on her son, displaying clear favoritism that borders on emotional neglect towards her daughter. As the story unfolds, it becomes evident that Rebekah is unaware of the harm caused by her detachment from Chloe. The narrative delves into themes of grief, loss, and the impact of emotional disconnection within a family.
In the midst of supernatural occurrences, the film delves into the personal lives of the characters, particularly focusing on the mother-daughter relationship without the emphasis on racial identity. This departure from the usual narrative of Asian American representation in cinema provides a sense of liberation for the actors, allowing them to delve into the complexities of their characters beyond stereotypes. The cast reflects on the significance of being part of a project where cultural identity is not the central focus, highlighting the need for more diverse and nuanced storytelling in the industry.
As the characters navigate through the mysteries and secrets within the story, the cast shares insights into their collaborative experience on set. The camaraderie among the actors, led by director Steven, created a supportive environment for exploring the emotional depth of the characters. The director’s trust in the cast allowed for a natural portrayal of the characters, enhancing the authenticity of their performances. Through the lens of a haunting tale, the film delves into the intricacies of family relationships and the emotional complexities that bind individuals together.The actors of the film discuss their experience working on the project, highlighting the unique challenges they faced without much direction from the director. Despite the lack of notes, they found ways to connect and collaborate, ultimately enhancing their performances. As they navigated the demands of the script and the unconventional filming style, they also found inspiration in each other’s energy and approach to their craft. Through this process, they not only grew as actors but also formed a bond that transcended the screen. Join them on a journey of self-discovery, collaboration, and acceptance in this behind-the-scenes look at the making of a film where artistry and authenticity take center stage.