In the bustling world of creative industries in Brooklyn, a trend emerged where newcomers began to adopt workwear staples like Carhartt, following a blueprint set by Le Corbusier back in 1947. The OG brutalist had requested a pragmatic jacket from his tailor, Arnys, to inspire his architectural designs. Fast forward to 2012, Berluti acquired Arnys, inheriting the legacy of the iconic Forestiere jacket. This season, Berluti unveiled a collection showcasing the heritage of Le Forestiere, offering new versions in luxurious materials like suede, cashmere, and velvet. The presentation also featured a display of exquisite shoes, including a rare creation from Alessandro Berluti himself in 1895. Additionally, the brand showcased new bag designs, such as the elegant PĂ©riple bag, reflecting the brand’s evolution over its 130-year history. This sophisticated and refined presentation not only celebrated Berluti’s anniversary but also brought back the iconic Forestiere jacket in all its glory.

Experience the revival of a legendary design and explore the evolution of Berluti’s craftsmanship in shoes and bags in this captivating showcase of heritage and innovation.