In the heart of a cold and dreary London, a hidden gem of a designer, John Alexander Skelton, brought warmth and enchantment to the city with a captivating fashion show. Set in the cozy halls of an East London church adorned with greenery and candlelight, the atmosphere was filled with the scent of scorched yew and mulled cider. As a red-headed fiddler played a festive tune, a cast of characters emerged, showcasing Skelton’s exquisitely crafted garments in mottled burgundy, gray, and charcoal felt. The show exuded eccentricity and whimsy, with a touch of levity that made the characters come to life. The finale, a departure from the traditional runway parade, saw the cast joyfully dancing around the hall, leaving the audience in awe of the spirited spectacle. Skelton’s vision of creating clothing that captivates and transports the imagination was truly realized in this enchanting show.