Bisexuality can lead to unexpected crushes, as the author finds their attraction to female celebrities fairly predictable, while their crushes on famous men are inexplicable. From lovelorn characters like Albert Brooks in Broadcast News to James Gandolfini as Tony Soprano, the author’s latest infatuation is with Walton Goggins’ character, Rick Hatchett, on season 3 of The White Lotus. Despite Rick’s sad and disillusioned persona, there is an undeniable allure to his dour yet tanned appearance. The author acknowledges that in reality, they would not tolerate such behavior, but in the realm of fantasy provided by The White Lotus, they allow themselves to indulge in the idea of being with a conflicted yet wealthy man like Rick. The juxtaposition of wealth and inner turmoil makes Rick strangely captivating, offering a glimpse into the complexities of desire and attraction.
Trailer: Explore the complexities of desire and attraction in the world of bisexuality as one individual navigates their unpredictable crushes on famous men and female celebrities. Join them on a journey of self-discovery and fantasy as they find themselves drawn to the enigmatic character of Rick Hatchett in The White Lotus, where the line between reality and desire blurs, leading to unexpected revelations about the heart’s true desires.