Emi Jo Hammond, a fashion student based in New York, is a Vogue Club member known for her effortlessly chic and minimalistic style. She describes her signature look as attainable, casual-sporty, and on-trend, often seen in relaxed streetwear paired with knee-high boots or sneakers. Emi Jo’s favorite designers include Dior, Prada, and Gucci, and she has her eye on pieces like the Prada brushed leather pumps and the Schiaparelli denim trench. Despite her keen sense of style, Emi Jo is also a 25-year-old Ph.D. student studying fashion, with a passion for researching consumer behavior and fashion merchandising. Follow her journey as she navigates the fashion industry in the bustling city of New York while pursuing her academic goals. Stay tuned for more insights into Emi Jo’s fashion journey and her unique perspective on style and trends.